sir, in q1 of yr 2005 its given-consider a competitive exchange economy with 2 agents(1,2) and 2 goods(x,y) agent 1s endowment is(100,100) and 2s endowment is (50,0) an allocation for agent i is denoted by (xi,yi) where xi is the allocation of X and yi is the allocation of Y.agent 1s objective is to choose (x1,y1) to max.U=min(x1,y1) agent 2s objective is to choose (x2,y2) to max. u=x2+y2.
an example of competitive equilibrium for this economy is
a. (x1,y1)=(100,50)and (x2,y2)=(50,50)
b. (x1,y1)=(125,100)and (x2,y2)=(25,0)
c. (x1,y1)=(50,50) and (x2,y2)=(100,50)
d. (x1,y1)=(100,100) and (x2,y2)=(50,0)
d ans is option d. but y is it not c??? if u could plz explain sir