1. The Candidate is being allowed to appear in the test subject to fulfillment of the eligibility conditions and verification of his/her
documents after declaration of result of the test. Merely qualifying the entrance test does not guarantee admission of the
candidate to the course. The admission of the candidate will be considered in accordance with the University rules.
2. Please bring a valid ID proof and a passport size photograph.
3. Please use only the last five digit of the roll number (as printed on admitcard) for your OMR sheet/Answer sheet.e.g. for roll
no. "154512345", the roll no. for OMR sheet/Answer sheet will be 12345
4. The MA entrance exam is in multiple choice format, with answers to be marked IN HB PENCIL ONLY on a special answer
sheet, with candidate's signature IN BALL POINT PEN.
5. Candidates must bring their own pen, pencils, erasers, sharpeners etc. Simple non-programmable, non-alpha numeric
memory calculators are allowed, but are not essential.
6. No mobile phones may be carried into the hall.
7. Candidates should NOT carry any papers, whether printed, written or blank (except for the Admit Card, without envelope).
Blank pages will be provided in the question paper booklet itself for any rough work.
8. However, since the number of blank pages for rough work will be limited, candidates are advised to do rough calculations in
pencil, and erase them after answering the relevant question.
9. Further instructions, if any, will be posted under the Admissions link on econdse.org.