CDS vs UoH

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CDS vs UoH

I was placed in the waiting list for CDS and I got a call from CDS today regarding the admission. I have already  enrolled in Hyderabad Central University and have started my classes here. It would be really helpful if any one can help me decide whether to stay here or opt for CDS.
I'm interested in academics and not looking for a future in a corporate sector, however I am also inclined towards Govt Organisations or think tanks. As such I have been collecting information about CDS and from what I've heard  because it is an M.A Applied Economics course, it somehow narrows down my scope in studying concrete Economic theory and relies more on practical application(not to mention that is essentially what we should be concerned about :P). Also just because it says "Centre for Development Studies" does it mean it'll be concentrating on Development eco more?.Also facultywise I cant seem to find much difference in the designation of professors, but the class strength in Hyderabad is much higher than CDS. Any helpful suggestions are welcome.. Thank you (sorry for the long note :p).
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Re: CDS vs UoH

Hi swayam
I'm Radhika
I had gokhle general economics, UOH, Teri Delhi and CDS. I've chosen CDS over all. Not because CDS is far better than any college mentioned above but because if some factors
1. Class size is 23 people and campus has maximum 100 people in total including teachers who are obliged to stay in campus only all the time
2. Faculty is really good and course content is more rigorous than above mentioned.
3. Though CDS includes development in its name, but they don't majorly focus on that, but development economics is something that interests me.
4. It is affiliated with jnu and jnu provides the degree
5. I'm also inclined for government organizations and ministries, so this seems to be best among all.

But to be frank, all other are far more popular than cds. People are stil critisizing my decision to leave gokhle general eco for cds. But swayam, you have to decide swayam. UOH is a very good univ, I mean it is known to be jnu of South India. CDS has zero placements and you need to make effort to get any kinda job there, whether govt or pvt. It should be your call.

I've my flight today, will be reaching cds soon.
Class strength matters a lot to me. That's the major reason.