Please help me with the following question:
Consider a competitive exchange economy with 2 agents (1 and 2) and 2 goods (X and Y). Agent 1's endowment is (0,5) and Agent 2's endowment is (0,10). Agent i's objective is to chose (xi, yi) to maximize his utility min{xi, yi}.
Q. 21 The allocation (x1, y1) = (3,3) and (x2, y2) = (7,2) is
I was able to solve this part considering that this allocation lies in the pareto band but given agent 2's endowment he would not like to reach here. thus, it is pareto effecint but not competitive equilibrium.
Q.22 The allocation with (x1, y1) = (10,5) and (x2, y2) = (0,0) is
The answer says that it is a competitive equilibrium and is pareto effecient.
I could understand the reason for pareto effeciency but not competitive equilibrium.
Q.23 Assuming the sum of prices is 1 , the competitive equilibrium prices are
a) (1,0)
b) (0,1)
c) (.5, .5)
d) (1/3, 2,3)
Also there is a doubt that if i consider that the budget line must pass through the endowment and thus it should be horizontal i am able to solve Q.22 but then by this logic can not the BL be vertical also??????
Please clear my doubt...