Hey Devika,
look at fn
u(x,y) = max{min{3x,3y}, x + y}
In this type of fn we are concern only to Max one of the two i.e either min{3x,3y} or x + y....n then look which case will give Max utility.
Now, First Consider case one where we try to max [min{3x,3y}]...this could be done if we take x=100/3 n Y=100/3 by taking these values of x n y notice we also satisfying M=100..n also only these values provide us max [min{3x,3y}]=100.
Now consider utility fn u(x,y) = max{min{3x,3y}, x + y} n put x=100/3 n y=100/3....you will see Max{100,66.66}=100, which is equal to max utility we can get by max [min{3x,3y}].
Now, consider the case in which we try to Max[x + y], this could be done if we take x=100 (notice we take x=100 n y=0 bcoz if we only take y the max qty we can purchase will be equal to y=50 coz price of y=2 but in this case we can't get Max[x + y])
Now, in this case look at u(x,y) = max{min{3x,3y}, x + y} n put x=100 n y=0 the utility u get u(x,y) = max{0, 100}=100 which is same as case one above..
thats y we have two solutions to the UMP..
1)(100/3, 100/3) .
2)(100, 0) ...
M.A Economics
Delhi School of Economics
Email Id:sumit.sharmagi@gmail.com