Vasudha wrote
And for part 2,
When we open this up we get 100 product terms with the same i and 9900 product terms with different i.
For k=3 or 7, expectation of product terms with same i is 1/10 and for terms with different i is 1/25. So Covariance comes out be 6.
For k=5, expectation of product terms with the same i is 1/5 and for the other terms is 1/25. So covariance comes out to be 16.
And for other values of k, expectation of product terms with same i is 0, and for other terms is 1/25. So covariance comes out to be -4.
please tell me what am I missing in the following argument:
expected value of say X1*X5:
=E[X1X5] = Pr(putting a ball simultaneously in both Box1 and Box5 in 1st trial) * product of the number of balls put in Box1 and Box5 in 1st trial + same thing for 2nd trial + ... + same thing for 100th trial.
but we can never put a ball simultaneously in Box1 and Box5 in any trial. so isnt Pr(putting a ball simultaneously in both Box1 and Box5 in 1st trial)=0. wont that make E[X1X5]=0. for that matter for any k not equal to 3,5,7 E[XkX5] shud be zero.???
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