Growth Model_Please solve this question

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Growth Model_Please solve this question

Suppose in an economy the ratio of consumption expenditure to aggregate income is
constant at 0.75, the rate of growth of the labor force is constant at 2% per annum and
the ICOR is constant at 6-year. The normal warranted rate of growth (percent per annum) for the economy equal to?
(a) 0.33
(b) 2.19
(c) 4.17
(d) 5.83
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Re: Growth Model_Please solve this question

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Re: Growth Model_Please solve this question

Don't know the correct answer.
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Re: Growth Model_Please solve this question

hey! it's c
ICOR = savings/ incremental capital o/p ratio
6 = 0.25/ g
g = 4.17