Has DSE been deteriorating in quality?

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Has DSE been deteriorating in quality?

It is likely me being paranoid here.

I'm not from Delhi, and am preparing for MAEcon entrances.
Most of what I know about DSE is from the web so I approached my faculty about institutes for an MA in Economics, to see their suggestions.

Now, close to all of them did hold DSE in high regard but one professor said that he would not recommend it, even suggesting IGIDR over DSE.

I have reason to believe that this was because he has some personal quarrels with the institute but he expressed concerns (to put it lightly) over the quality of the faculty declining in recent years?

Is there any warrant to this?
I've gone over the information regarding their faculty online and it is very impressive.

As far as I know students go to the States for further studies quite often from DSE (which is a rare feat I believe).

I'm undecided between academia and research but the rankings generally seem to be ISI>DSE>IGIDR and its hard to rank JNU here, given my interests.

Does anyone have inputs?
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Re: Has DSE been deteriorating in quality?

Homer Simpson
Frankly i dunno on what basis we are assessing here but i can say this - Prepare, clear, have options and then decide all of this. If you are considering ISI, obviously you gotta prepare at that level, irrespective of what DSE is.
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