How can you compare Macroeconomics books by Mankiw and Dornbusch-Fischer?

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How can you compare Macroeconomics books by Mankiw and Dornbusch-Fischer?

Hi there,

First post in this forum.

I was wondering how can you compare or differentiate between the macroeconomics books by Mankiw and Dornbusch-Fischer?

I have "Macroeconomics" by Mankiw, seventh edition; and "Macroeconomics" by Dornbush and Fischer, sixth edition.

Which one is more basic of the two? Which one is more reader-friendly? Which one would you recommend me to check out first?

Thanks very much in advance!
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Re: How can you compare Macroeconomics books by Mankiw and Dornbusch-Fischer?

Mankiw is much more basic book.You may start with this..
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Re: How can you compare Macroeconomics books by Mankiw and Dornbusch-Fischer?

Thanks a lot, Nikkita! I also thought so. Mankiw's has a lot of examples, much more than Dornbusch-Fischer's.