I am a French student and I have no school in UK

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I am a French student and I have no school in UK

I am a French student and since 4 weeks I moved to UK for my studies.
In France, I was a good student, I got good rates, I got the equivalent of their exams (GCSE Exams) with a reward.
I was in a great college, one of the best in Paris.
I moved to UK because my parents have to work there.
Since 4 weeks, I am searching for a college which accept me...
But no school want to help me...
I went to the council of my city, and they gave me 3 differents schools but no school accept me, they accept me in September...
But I will do nothing until September...
I want to do English courses to improve my English to be ready when I begin in September.

Please I want a help from you, because I am lost...