Rashika - Yes, you can be specific, but don't expect the questions to be straightforward (on the other extreme, in my particular case they started with Very basic questions), But even if you do specify something like consumer theory, they may still ask you a question or two from other areas of economics, since it seems you do have an economics background.
As for Dos and Don'ts, I was unprepared last time, so, be prepared? :) In general though, just remember there is no need to be nervous. They are very accommodating and will let you gather your composure even if you do get nervous. They don't really mark you on your oration in there, just keep your wits about you. Prepare for the questions they may throw your way is all I can advise.
Taanya - They will take your background into consideration before starting with their questions, so just let them know what field you have studied in and you will be questioned from within your domain. Be frank about what you do know and be prepared to face questions regarding the same. They're cool that way.
Again, all the best.