ISI 2009

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ISI 2009

Suppose there are 10 individuals in a society, 5 of whom are of high ability,
and 5 of low ability. Individuals know their own abilities. Suppose that each
individual lives for two periods and is deciding whether or not to go to college in
period 1. When individuals make decisions in period 1, they choose that option
which gives the highest lifetime payoff, i.e., the sum of earnings and expenses
in both periods.
Education can only be acquired in period 1. In the absence of schooling,
high and low ability individuals can earn yH and yL respectively in each period.
With education, period 2 earning increases to (1 + a)yH for high ability types
and (1 + a)yL for low ability types. Earnings would equal 0 in period 1 if an
individual decided to go to college in that period. Tuition fee for any individual
is equal to T. Assume yH and yL are both positive, as is T.
• (i) Find the condition that determines whether each type of person will
go to college in period 1. What is the minimum that a can be if it is to
be feasible for any type of individual to acquire education?
• (ii) Suppose yH = 50, yL = 40, a = 3. For what values of T will a high
ability person go to college? And a low ability person? Which type is
more likely to acquire education?
• (iii) Now assume the government chooses to subsidise education by setting
tuition equal to 60. What happens to educational attainment?
• (iv) Suppose now to pay for the education subsidy, the government decides
to impose a x% tax on earnings in any period greater than 50. So if an
individual earns 80 in a period, he would pay a tax in that period equal
to x% of 30.The government wants all individuals to acquire education,
and also wants to cover the cost of the education subsidy in period 1
through tax revenues collected in both periods. What value of x should
the government set?

for part iv i considered T*  to be cost of providing education so that for each individual cost of subsidising is T*-60 and total cost is 10(T*-60) but i have a doubt regarding the tax revenue, for each individual; earnings in period 2 is net earnings after deducting tuition fee? ...please help!!
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Re: ISI 2009

Hmm..i would have taken the gross income if i was giving this exam. actually it is a little confusing bcoz it's not clear how they pay the tuition fees in period 1 when they hvnt earned anything till then. but then even if they r borrowing and repaying it in the 2nd period, y shud we assume that the part of income used for repayment will not be taxed?
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Re: ISI 2009

yeah it should be the gross income ..