hav u solvd this? if yess plz share ur solution
Consider an economy where the agents live for only two periods and
where there is only one good. The life-time utility of an agent is given
by U = u(c) + v(d), where u and v are the first and second period
utilities, c and d are the first and second period consumptions and
is the discount factor. lies between 0 and 1. Assume that both u
and v are strictly increasing and concave functions. In the first period,
income is w and in the second period, income is zero. The interest rate
on savings carried from period 1 to period 2 is r. There is a government
that taxes first period income. A proportion of income is taken away
by the government as taxes. This is then returned in the second period
to the agent as a lump sum transfer T. The government’s budget is
balanced i.e., T = w. Set up the agent’s optimization problem and
write the first order condition assuming an interior solution. For given
values of r, , w, show that increasing T will reduce consumer utility
if the interest rate is strictly positive.