Indian Economic Services(IES)

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Indian Economic Services(IES)

How about we start a discussion on IES exam...Preparation strategy,source of study like which books,notes,website?
Amit sir you guidance would help this discussion..
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Re: Indian Economic Services(IES)

Amit Goyal
Hi Rohit, I am not aware of what is asked in these exams. Show the syllabus to some professor and ask him\her for references.
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Re: Indian Economic Services(IES)

hello rohit:)
         for appearing in IES exam{INDIAN ECONOMIC SERVICE},u need to have a masters degree in economics{MA in economics}.this is d minimum eligibility criteria for appearing in this exam.there are basically 6 papers.
1.general english 2.general studies 3.general economics 1
4.general economics 2,
5.general economics 3, and
6.indian economics.
                 u can check d site to get more information.this is all i know:)