Hi Shweta,
It can be solved in the following way>>
Let denote processor 1 by "I" and processor2 by "II" , Computer by "C"
P(I)=3/4 => P(I')=1/4
P(II)=7/8 => P(II')=1/8
NOW, P(C)=processor one works or processor two works or both processors work.
=>P(C)=3/4* 1/8 + 7/8 * 1/4 + 3/4 * 7/8
Also, P(computer is funtional given processor1 is working)= 3/4* 1/8 + 3/4*7/8
P(processor1 is working given computer is functional)= P(computer is funtional given processor1 is working)
= 24/32
= 24/32