Need a reading list for various subject: Post Scarcity and Steady State Economics

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Need a reading list for various subject: Post Scarcity and Steady State Economics

Hi.  I am creating a video game in which a belligerent former United States tries to take on the world militarily due to an inability to adapt to changing economic circumstances and an unwillingness to cede the power that comes with that.  Basically the scenario is, the rest of the world have used superior adherence to market principles and superior adaptation to a world of diminishing resources to gain relative superiority.  Meanwhile, the former United States has invented a type of sustainable fusion but are more interested in using it for military applications than in using it to overcome economic limitations.

I have an economist character who argues with one of the characters from the former United States about why this is appallingly stupid, why everything that the former US has done has been stupid in the context of the world as it is in this scenario, and I need the argument to be plausible and credible.

Please recommend for me up to 10 books that you think would help with this.  I'd much prefer it if they were books I can get for free, but I will consider books I have to pay for also as long as they are not textbook expensive.