If you're more or less comfortable with your econ I'd guess it's best to start doing past papers.
At least that's what I'm doing.
Luckily most of the past papers for DSE and ISI are very stimulating, just solving sums would help reinforce your concepts and get tuned to what the questions are like.
Solving past papers is vital I feel.
Then you could study your theory once again after that, since you'd have an idea of what you don't really understand and what you need to go further into.
I read this blog post once that said one of the tips for preparation is "doing less".
Referring to how many perfectionists seem to have this desire to try and shovel through every single page of every single textbook to get their theories in so they can ace the entrance exam, which is not possible, it's better to focus on what's important, which you'd get a feel for by practicing.