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please check:
determine if set S is reflexive(R/NR), transitive(T/NT) and  symmetric(S/NS)        {N=not}
if S is the set  of all pairsof real nos. s.t
a) x<=y ans :R,NS,T
B)x<y  ans:NR,NS,T
C) x< lyl  ans:NR,NS,T
d)x^2 + y^2 = 1 ans: NR,  S , NT
e)x^2 + y^2 <0 ans: equivalence
f) x^2 + x=y^2 +y ans: equivalence
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Re: Sets

I think i agree with all of your answers.. except...(c)
I don't think it will be transitive. Check for x=3, y = -4, z=2 

On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 7:44 PM, Mili [via Discussion forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:
please check:
determine if set S is reflexive(R/NR), transitive(T/NT) and  symmetric(S/NS)        {N=not}
if S is the set  of all pairsof real nos. s.t
a) x<=y ans :R,NS,T
B)x<y  ans:NR,NS,T
C) x< lyl  ans:NR,NS,T
d)x^2 + y^2 = 1 ans: NR,  S , NT
e)x^2 + y^2 <0 ans: equivalence
f) x^2 + x=y^2 +y ans: equivalence

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Re: Sets

i agree..... missed out that