What was the F.E cutoff in MSE for the year 2017?

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What was the F.E cutoff in MSE for the year 2017?

what do you think will be the cutoff this year?
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Re: What was the F.E cutoff in MSE for the year 2017?

I don't know specifically about F.E. but the first cut-off list was for scores 58 and above. What is your score?
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Re: What was the F.E cutoff in MSE for the year 2017?

i got a score of 59.5
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Re: What was the F.E cutoff in MSE for the year 2017?

I scored 63 and I'm not confident.
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Re: What was the F.E cutoff in MSE for the year 2017?

my score is also 60.5 now because Q23 was wrong.
And with a score of 63 you have a high chance of getting F.E......you may be offered AQF in the first list but will definitely get F.E later on

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Re: What was the F.E cutoff in MSE for the year 2017?

House Stark
In reply to this post by Adityasrivastava
If you are going MSE for placements, join any program from MSE, all the streams have equal placements and packages. It doesn't matter much as they get hired for same jobs and posts.
However, join Environmental and General Eco if you want to pursue PhD too, maybe in future.
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Re: What was the F.E cutoff in MSE for the year 2017?

Arun Singal
But what I have heard from a actuarial  guy in mse that it is tough to handle  where as others are relatively easier