Q1 if in an economy gdp is growing at 7 prcnt pr annum and population at 2 prcnt per annum ,income elasticity of demand for food is 0.4 .if food prices are determind by demand and supply ,at what rate must food supply grow ,if price of the food is to remain constant
Q2 B.10 2008 q3 if an unbiased dice is thrown 30 times .what is d expected number of throws in which outcome will be an even number greter than 2 or an odd number less than four a) 8 b)12 c)20 d)24 Q4 2000 A PART Q 17 Q5 y=min(4k,6l) l is d labour force . in period 1 out of total labour force 0f 10,000 ,1000 are unemployed.if economy saves and invests 15 prcnt of its output and rate of growth of labour force is 10 prcnt per period ,wat wud be the percentage of unemployment in period 2? Q6 2 players a and b have rs2 and 1 rspectively.they play a game using toss of fair coin such that b pays rupee 1 to a when head appears and a paya b rupee 1 when tail appears .the game stops when one of the player loose all her money.what is d probability that game ends on odd numbered toss wid a loosing all her money? Q7 in a society ,each couple hv atmost 2 children .each couple stops having children once they have a son .what is d expected proportion of females in total population of this society? Q 25 and Q26 OF 1997 ALSO PLEASE PROVIDE THE SOLUTIONS TO D ANSWERS U GET.THANK YOU !!!!!!! |
ny1 wid jnu sis 2011 n 2012 solutions...??
In reply to this post by sakshi
q3 should be 20
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 px 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 even number >2 is 4 and 6 .its prob.is 2/6 odd number "<4 is 1 and 3 its prob is 2/6 prob. of a or b is 4/6 4/6 * 30 = 20 and for q6 i think it should be 0 bcoz for none of the case i m getting a having 0 at odd place.. |
In reply to this post by sakshi
Q3 & Q6: ditto to what sakshi said.
Q7: 2 conditions are given: (1) each couple have at-most 2 children (2) each couple stops having children once they have a son. meaning, the following sequence of children are possible. S, DS, DD (I have included daughter-daughter also because i am assuming as soon as either of the 2 conditions are met couples stop conceiving) So the expected proportion of female is 3/5 (I am not having a nice feeling with the above solution). which years questions are these by the way?
"You don't have to believe in God, but you should believe in The Book." -Paul Erdős |
In reply to this post by sakshi
hey thnx but hw did u gt d cases? can u please explain n theese are jnu qstns only.....
In reply to this post by sakshi
gdp growth is 7% and population growth is 2 % den approximate gdp per capita growth is 5% (7-2)
also given dat 1% income increase is associated vd .4% increase in food demand so 5% increase in income increases demand for food by 5*.4%=2%. this means dat demand curve for food shifts rightward by 2% so supply must also shift rightward by 2% to keep prices constant.
Akshay Jain
Masters in Economics Delhi School of Economics 2013-15 |
In reply to this post by sakshi
sol B10 (2008)
given dat in strata A 25% of people =5 so total in strata A= 20 nad 10% of people in strata B is 6, total in strata B is 60 total income of strata A is (2+1+3+4+5)*1000*4=60000 total income in strata B is (5+1+2+3+4+1)*100*10=16000 average =76000/80=950 (here the assumption is that sample mean = population mean)
Akshay Jain
Masters in Economics Delhi School of Economics 2013-15 |
In reply to this post by sakshi
sol 5
in period 1 1000 L is uemployed so total employed is 9000 the production function is of the form perfect complements so the economy operats at a point where 4k=6l given l=9000, 4k=54000,k=13500 15% of output=15% of 54000 is saved and reinvested so next period investment is 8100. labour force groth rate is 10% so change in labour force in period 2 is 1000. total l=11000 total k in period 2=13500+8100=21600. put these values in production function we get y=min(86400,66000) =66000. so in period 2 der is full employment.
Akshay Jain
Masters in Economics Delhi School of Economics 2013-15 |
sol 7
sample space is (B,GB,GG) prob of having 1 grl=1/3 prob of having 2 grls=1/3 expectd value =1*1/3 +2*1/3=1/3+2/3=1 prob of having a boy=2/3 expectd value=2/3 total population=1+2/3=5/3 poportion of gils in total population=1/5/3=3/5
Akshay Jain
Masters in Economics Delhi School of Economics 2013-15 |
In reply to this post by Sinistral
i also gt 3/5 dis is 1997 qstn
In reply to this post by Akshay Jain
thnx akshay can u pls explain me hw do we gt cases in qstn 6.......... i gt lost in btwn.... thnx 1ce agn
In reply to this post by sakshi
q1 in an economy whr capital and labour are only factors of production. capital stock : 1000, output capital ratio : 0.4 ,employment : 200,wage rate:1 ,rate of profit is:
a)5% b)10% c)20% Q2 index of wholesale price (1990 =100) weight 1997 good a 25 150 good b ? 125 good c ? 140 all 3 100 135 the weights represent share of base year (1990) sales of each commodity in total sales.what is d proportion of good c sales in 1990? q 17 200... is it option b? m confusd n q 2 1998 also please confirm please answer wd solutions.....n thnx |
In reply to this post by Akshay Jain
in q 5, i also solvd it ds way..... but i hv a doubt ........... we have a labour deficit here? although full employmnt
under full employment of labor....extra capital stok will b kept idal....bcoz of perfect coplement relationship of inputs
Akshay Jain
Masters in Economics Delhi School of Economics 2013-15 |
Akshay Jain
Masters in Economics Delhi School of Economics 2013-15 |
in dis qstn akshay y is it nt psbl n y r unt multiplyng the loss....... like 1/2 (-1).12 (2) and so on??????? u r just multiplyng probablty.......pls expln n thnx fr d help
m not multiplying loss/profit vd probability coz ques is not askin bout exoected profit/loss.....nd u can try to make B win at odd tosses bt acc. to me it is not possible....win means dat B has all d money nd A has nothin left....ques is askin bout finding d prob of one of dem loosing all money at odd tosses
Akshay Jain
Masters in Economics Delhi School of Economics 2013-15 |
In reply to this post by Sinistral
I dont think its 3/5. It should be 1/2 instead.
Here, DS cant be possible as even if they have say 1st daughter, they immediately have a son after that. So it ends reproduction. And of course, if they already have a son, it makes no difference. So i should have total possible 8 children in the 1st period: 1D, 2D, 1D1S, 2S, 1S = 8 children (i) Out of there, 4 are D's and thus probability is 4/8 In period 2, for 2D and 1D, reproduction happens again and for each node, the same previous (i) is repeated. Thus there are 16 cases now and 8 D's. So 8/16 This keeps happening and probability for each repeated periods is 1/2 (Just a guess. Correct me if i am wrong :) ) |
In reply to this post by sakshi
plz some one help m out wd ques 4 n 5 sis 2012??
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