A-Neither E nor I stole the chocolate bar.
B-It was A or C who stole who stole it.
C- both A and B are lying.
D-C,s statement isnt true.one of A and B is lying and other is speaking the truth.
E- what D said is wrong. The question says 3 people speak the truth out of 5. Therefore, 5C3 = 10 possible groups are formed.
Now eliminate by getting contradiction -
Consider ABC - All of them have to speak the truth as per assumption. But C says that both A and B are lying. If i had assumed that A and B speak the truth, then this creates a contradiction. Thus ABC cant be possible. Similarly anything with AC, BC has to be cancelled. I have thus already eliminated ABC, ACD, ACE, BCD, BCE by getting a contradiction.
Now consider what D says - ABD, ADE, BDE, CDE are relevant for consideration. Clearly ABD cant work if D is speaking the truth - both A and B are assumed to be speaking the truth. Similarly for CDE - C is supposed to lie according to D.
For ADE and BDE, consider what E says and we get a contradiction.
ABE is only left. Thus, we can deduce from these true statements that C stole the chocolate bar.
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