logic questions(pls give full solution)

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logic questions(pls give full solution)

there were 4 candidates namely a , b ,c , d for an award                                    
(1) only one candite had a distinction in maths and philosophy
(2)only one  ,,         ,,    ,    ,,          ,, ,,        ,,   history
(3) only one cand had a distinction both in literature & philosophy
(4) only one canditate had a distinction on maths and literature
(5) only one candidate had a distinction in both liter and hist
(6) only one candidate had a distinction in both philosophy and history
(7) both a and b had a distinction in both maths
(8) c&d had a distinction in both literature
(9)  b and c had a distinction in both philosophy
(10) d had a distinction in both history

the award was given to the candidate who had distinction in more than one subject than any other candidate which candidate was given the award?
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Re: logic questions(pls give full solution)

Amit Goyal
I have a question here:
what is the difference between two statements:
1) only one candidate had a distinction in maths and literature
2) only one candidate had a distinction 'both' in maths and literature
And what do you mean by
d had a distinction in both history

I guess you have written the problem in hurry without paying much attention to these things which are crucial. In future, if you want me to answer a problem make sure you check the question twice before posting it.
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Re: logic questions(pls give full solution)

In reply to this post by ayushi
sir, sorry for your inconvenience. This is the right question :
there were 4 candidates namely a , b ,c , d for an award                                    
(1) only one of the four candidate had a distinction both in maths and literature.
(2)only one  candidate had a distinction both in maths and philosophy.  
(3) only one cand had a distinction both in maths and history
(4) only one canditate had a distinction in literature & philosophy
(5)only one candidate had a distinction both in literature & history.
(6) only one candidate had a distinction both in philosophy and history
(7) both a and b had a distinction in  maths
(8) both c&d had a distinction in  literature
(9)  both b and c had a distinction in philosophy
(10) d had a distinction in history

the award was given to the candidate who had distinction in more than one subject than any other candidate which candidate was given the award?
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Re: logic questions(pls give full solution)

Amit Goyal
This is the right answer (Working is little long, hence omitted):
A has distinctions in Mathematics and Literature only.
B has distinctions in Mathematics, Philosophy and History only.
C has distinctions in Literature and Philosophy only.
D has distinctions in Literature and History only.

Hence, B is given the award.