suppose set A contains "m" elements and set B contains 'n" elements..........then:
a)how many number of functions are possible from A to B?
A has m elements and B has n elements. Let A= {x(1), x(2), ..., x(m)} and B = {y(1), y(2), ..., y(n)}. A function f : A --> B will map every element A to exactly one element in B. We can map x(1) to B in n ways. Similarly, x(2) in n ways and so on. Total number of functions possible are thus n x n x..x n (m times) = n^m.
b)how many number of one-one functions are possible from A to B?
If n < m, number of one to one functions possible is 0.
For n ≥ m, it is C(n,m) m!. (First we select m elements from B which can be done in C(n,m) ways and then we can map m elements in A to those m elements in B in m! ways such that every element in B has at most one pre-image.)
c)how many number of onto functions are possible from A to B?
For n > m, number of onto functions possible is 0.
For n = m, n!.
For n = 1 < m, there is one way. Call this count(m, 1).
For n = 2 < m, 2^{m} - 2(count(m,1)) = 2^{m} - 2. Call this count(m, 2).
For n = 3 < m, 3^{m} - 3(count(m,2)) - 3(count(m,1)) = 3^{m} - 3(2^{m} - 2) - 3
For n = m - 1,
(n)^{m} - C(n,n-1)(count(m,n-1)) - C(n,n-2)(count(m,n-2)) -......- C(n,1)(count(m,1))
d)how many number of bijective functions are possible from A to B?
If n ≠ m, there is none.
If n = m, its n!.