. Ms. Santa is a self-employed nancial consultant. He has L hours in hand to allocate
between work or relaxation (denoted as l). His income goes to spending on a good
q which costs p per unit. As a consultant, he receives w per hour as his fee. His
preference is given by u = aq + l; l L; a > 0.
(a) Write the consultant's utility maximization problem and derive his demand
Now, Mr. Santa gets married. His wife, who is presently unemployed, wants him to
spend more time at home. To be precise, whenever Mr. Santa is out for work, she
suers some dis-utility. Her utility function is as follows.
uW = v(qW ) - z(L l);
where the subscript W refers to wife. Note that the wife does not have any problem
of killing her own time and is solely dependent on her husband's income.
(b) Write the family's (i.e., the couple's) utility maximization problem.
(c) How would you derive the consumption bundle of the couple and the relaxation
time of Mr. Santa from the problem specified in (b)? Present your answer both
mathematically and graphically.
(d) Will Mr. Santa work more if his fee increases, or if he has received a dowry (Not
a nice thing. Santa is greedy.) ? Consider each case separately. How will the
consumption of q of Mr. Santa and his wife change in each of the two cases?
(e) Can you show that if p increases, Mr. Santa will work less (Strange, isn't it?)?
If so, how would the couple's individual consumption of q be affected?
hey! I came to igidr.. its sad.. one of the main reasons why I left jnu for igidr was the fact that they told me i couldnt get the hostel in less than 3 months.. :'(