Oh god i'm sorry for creating such a ruckus with this question.. don't worry AJ and Vasudha your concepts are solid :) at least you know what wage setting and price setting is - i learned it today because of the question :P relax... :)
Ya, I did it from blanchard only.. :p that's why m more concerned about our different opinions..!! :( bunk it, I always mix up everything from this Aggregate Supply part! I vl just see the book again and if still confusion continues, I vl bother you! :)
good luck to you too :) yep i'm from an economics background but not DU so we didn't cover all this in college! i had to study it on my own so a bit fuzzy on some details! :P
suppose the following eqn holds for an ecoy, at every time t :
that is the pricce of output is a fixed markup over the unit labor cost. let pe be the inflation rate and, lamda be the rate of growth in laboor productivity. (labor productivity = Yt/Nt). which of the following is true ?
1. w=pi - lamda
2. pi=w + lamda
3. pi=w - lamda
4. w= lamda - pi