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sir ,the following are 2007 dse questions,
in a survey of 400 likely voters,215 responded that they would vote for the ruling party      and 185 responded that they would vote for the opposition party.let p denote the fraction of all likely voters who preferred the ruling party at the time of the survey and let p* be the fraction of survey respondents who preferred the ruling party.find standard error of p*.

a sample poll of 300 voters from city a and 200 voters from city b showed 56% and 48% respectively were in favour of a given 55 level of significance,test the hypothesis that
a)there is a difference between the cities
b)the candidate is preferred in city a

and  sir this is a 2005 Q

suppose X and Y are independent random variables with standard normal distributions.the probability of X<-1is p(0,1).what is the probability of the event:X.X>1&Y.Y.Y<-1

sir could you please explain the answers,thank u so much.