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manvi ahuja
a player tosses a coin and is to score one point for every head and two points for every tail turned up.he is to play on until his score reaches or passes 'n'....if Pn is the prob. of getting exactly n score then find the value of Pn.....
pls tell me steps to do it???
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Re: stats

manvi ahuja
Mkt dd is P=300-Q nd competitive conditions prevail...the short run supply curve is P= -180+5Q...long run supply curve is P=60 + 2Q.find initial short run nd long run eqm...are they same???
Now suppose mkt demand at every priceis doubled...what is new mkt dd curve??find new eqbms...
If a price ceiling is imposed at old eqbm estimate shortage...

I will be really grateful if somebdy could do these questions...
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Re: stats

In reply to this post by manvi ahuja
can ne1 tell me wich is d best book 2 follo 4 statistics  for dse preparation
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Re: stats

for basic concepts u can use S C Gupta n then after that "mathematical stats with applications" by freund will b vry helpful for dse
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Re: stats

In reply to this post by manvi ahuja
Is the answer C(2n,n)/ 2^n