there are 10 elements
Now B can have maximum of 4 and min of 1 element common with A
If A and B are inde,than P(A inter B)=p(a)*p(b)
If no of elemts common is 1,then it will imply p(b)=.25 ..but 0.25 is an inadmissible value since p(b) can only take values 0.1,0.2..,0.9 ,1.0
no of coomon elemts 2 P(b)=0.5(admissible)
No of coomon elemts =3, p9b)=0.75 (inadmssible)
No of common elemts =4 p(b)=1 (admissible)
So p(b)=0.5 or 1.0 hence no of elemts 5 or 10
courtesy: kangkan