FOR DSE ASPIRANTS(Changes in Application Form)

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FOR DSE ASPIRANTS(Changes in Application Form)

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Re: FOR DSE ASPIRANTS(Changes in Application Form)

Thanks a lot.
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Re: FOR DSE ASPIRANTS(Changes in Application Form)

In reply to this post by ViV
I mailed a request yesterday regarding choice of option at around 4.43 p.m and instantly I got a response where they have written.."  dear candidate, we regret that we are unable to respond to individual queries. Our updated webpage contains additional information related to your query." What exactly are they trying to imply? Any one, any idea? Does it mean my request has not been accepted? pls help...
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Re: FOR DSE ASPIRANTS(Changes in Application Form)

I also got the same reply yesterday. So, I sent a Mail again asking about their stupid reply and guess what today I received exactly same lines but in different font.
I think they don't read mails. They just copy-paste a line starting with Dear Candidate.