How is applying for Delhi different from Kolkata? Is it possible that you cleared the Kolkata cutoff but applied for Delhi,but didn't clear Delhi cutoff so they don't give you a call?😢
In unregulated cases for i-th person xj's are constant she can't influence them. She has to just maximize U(x)=v(xi) which is independent of population size.
I solved second part with understanding that increase in taxes should decrease kms driven. So x1=...xn=x. Now U'(x)=v'(x)-(n-1)k=0. I.e. v'(x)=(n-1)k. So v'(x) should increase as population increases which can happen if x decreases for which taxes should go up.
I can't believe i messed that up. I put v' equal to k times sigma xi. What a joke. I also messed up the unemployement question which was a one line answer, and forgot to take consumer surplus in the socially optimal question. Getting 22/30 correct in eco with 2 unattempted. Since you're pretty active around here, would you have an idea where I stand? I'm 28/30 in Math.
To my knowledge,there isn't any reservation or restriction in the no. of admissions till last year.Reservation was only in the cut off relaxation part.
What are the answers for Ramsey model aggregate output, consumption, capital and 29 th question (points
that can be attained in competitive market )