PEA's difficulty level was like other years, although like you pointed out, the mix of questions from different topics was different. PEB was easy especially when compared to last year's test.
Hi did u guys attempt the consumption a smoothing question? Is consumption smoothening only that c1=c2 or that utility from the consumptions in each period need to be equal ??
PEA cutoff was 83 last year, should be around the same figure this year as well. PEB not sure at all but if i had to make a guess it'd about 50-60 marks
Last year's cutoff info was provided by Mittar. As to the level of questions, compared to last year, maths was easy, economics was easier but not that easy, option of 10 questions actually made it comfortable, but overall level was tough than the questions of sample papers before 2014.
Dhruv, you really feel that maths was easier this year compared to last? I truly dont think so, 2014 maths was one of the easiest ones in the last 10 years. Also, how many have you guys done in PEB? Please could you give a break up between the ones you have done completely and the ones where you couldn't do all parts
Did anyone tried the question on two agent two good? I was not able to find the utility of consumer 2, where it was given that he prefers more X and is indifferent to any amount of Y, but if X is held constant then he prefers the bundle where X+Y is greater.
I ask the second part of my question because it seemed to me that in all questions 12-14 marks were up for grabs, but that last sub-section carrying 6-8 marks were quite tricky. It basically boiled down to a trade off between an ego battle for 6-8 more marks, or move on the next question and do the easy 12-14 marks there. I chose the second option
Yes, Dhruv, that is called a lexicographic preference. And the reason you couldnt find the utility function is because it is one of the textbook cases where there is no utility function due to non-continuity of preferences.
The contract curve when player 2 is lexi towards X (sub sub section a) is the left and top edge
The contract curve when player 2 is lexi towards Y (sub sub section b) is the right and bottom edge
Amalgamate is right. I will rate PEA 2015 little higher in terms of difficulty wrt last year. PEB I messes up badly. Only wish cut off don't shoot too much.
Maybe you are right, but today's question fell on my strong side. Also, I was able to attempt few complete questions in PEB, and like you I used second option.