Consider an economy with production function
Y = K^α*T^β*(AL)^1−α−β
where K, A, L are, as usual, capital, technological progress and labour and T is the stock of land. α, β > 0. A grows at rate g and L grows at rate n. The stock of land is fixed though. Aggregate saving equals a fraction s of aggregate output. Assuming K depreciates at rate δ
Derive the steady state growth rate of capital
a) K./K = (1-α-β)(g+n)/(1-β)
b) K./K = (1-α-β)(n)/(1-β)
c) K./K = (1-α-β)(g+n)/(1-α)
d) None of these
Derive the condition when steady state growth rate of output per worker is positive.
a) (1-α-β)g > βn
b) (1-α-β)g < βn
c) (1-α-β)g = βn
d) None of these
PLz help...
M.A Economics
Delhi School of Economics