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Hi Vasudha and AJ,
Your conclusion is correct and I could also see that you have right reasons in mind. The only thing that is missing is the convincing expressions. Here is how you prove it:
Given that the person is risk averse, his utility function for money will be a concave function.
Eu(Y + Z)
= E(Eu(Y + Z)|Y)
= pi(1) Eu((Y + Z)|Y = y(1)) + pi(2) Eu((Y + Z)|Y = y(2))
= pi(1) Eu((y(1) + Z)|Y = y(1)) + pi(2) Eu((y(2) + Z)|Y = y(2))
≤ pi(1) u(E(y(1) + Z)|Y = y(1)) + pi(2) u(E(y(2) + Z)|Y = y(2)) [By concavity of u(.)]
= pi(1) u(y(1)) + pi(2) u(y(2)) [E(Z|Y = y(1)) = 0 and E(Z|Y = y(2)) = 0]
= Eu(Y)
This automatically disproves (iii), (iv) and (v). For (i), just construct an example. As you said a risk loving person with appropriate choice of state space, pi, lotteries and utilities would do.