Yes you're right. Thanks for correcting me.
S/Y = 1/2 or S=1/2 Y then dS/dY = 1/2
On 27 Apr 2015 21:29, "Kannot [via Discussion forum]" <
[hidden email]> wrote:
Forgive me if I am mistaken but, although the answer is correct would it not be more accurate to say that:
Savings = Amount saved by workers + Amount saved by capitalists = S
S = 0x(1/4)x(Y) + (2/3)x(3/4)xY
S = (1/2)Y
and that :
dS/dY = MPS = 1/2
Since technically S/Y = APS (which is not necessarily equal to MPS)?
Although in this case S/Y = APS = 1/2 = MPS