Till now, my decision (perception) is based on two things : firstly my own perception after reviewing both course structure, both institute's profile ( website and all).. and potential research propensity. Secondly, the reply of GIPE alumni which I posted here also. He just passed out this year.
The very genesis of the confusion was that I was not able to understand the course structure of GIPE and that is still the biggest thing deterring me from GIPE. While in comparison
GE-CUTN-Final.pdf MSE course structure seems quite good.
I browsed through MSE website too and their research efforts seemed impressive. Now I know, GIPE website is down and has been down for what like 2-3 months for now?
But still, I am a bit undecided .. and the main things causing confusion are: GIPE reputation and Chennai god awful climate.
Well its pretty much my perception on the issue,.... it be great if people would add their thoughts.