Allright folks, here's how my interview went. ISI is the only call i have so i had to perform well. I cant even dare to think anything beyond ISI. It's a dream and I had worked really hard for it!
Well the questions were different in my slot. One from micro(GE) and another from maths(some proof of maxima and minima-cant recall). Now both these question appear to be in slightly tougher than the questions of the morning slot-personal opinion.
I opted for GE question. There were three parts of which the first part i answered correctly. In my second part i gave incomplete answer and then they were giving me clues to reach the complete answer. Frankly, those were my moments of dumbness and i could not figure out for next 10 minutes what they were pushing me to think. Then finally i reached the answer which apparently was the correct answer(-as per me and i discussed the same which other folks too) but i feel it was too late by then.
They didn't let me answer the third part and said that they were running short of time-actually an insult in my face that they know no more wanted to waste their time on me!
But, i think if they like a candidate then they make him/her sit and talk to him/her if he would like to join ISID. That didn't happen to me so i better rule myself out.
So, overall it was a bad experience. Feeling really bad right now. I wish i had the reached the correct answer right from beginning and not given an incomplete answer. I feel as if I have lost a battle which I was close to winning- but I guess that's what separates the losers,like me, from winners